


Here comes the new rogue. Noisy mouth foreshadows lies. Hollow brain blocks truth. Stones of truth hit you, smashing calumny and lies. Futile hollow blocks. Worthless hate warning,…

Quando l’ipocrisia respirain qualche amiciziatocca sempre la gentecon la fregatura in mente. La batosta di incolpareil tuo sincero, buon cuoreper lavargliele le loro manidai loro malintesi. Fa perdere…

Il cielo della speranza, lungo, vasto, ed infinito. Gli intrecci tra le sfide: della vita quotidiana, ci fa unire a sconfiggere dal peggiore situazione. Il cielo della speranza,…

Cyber Evil World The Cyber Bullies thrive in their oppressive games: emotional pains. The Cyber Sadists: succeed to make you suffer: emotionally. Cyber Terrorists: destroy, hack, your privacy,…

An evil person’s or a criminal destiny call: Destiny brings you: to answer for your past crimes. Criminal conscience? Destiny whispers: your lies shall end very soon. Unmatched…

Stones of ignorance, Stones of stupidity thrown. Stones of knowledge quell. Stones of jealousy. Stones of self-centered fame whores. Humble stones conquer. Stones of gossipers. Stones of mean,…

Goodbye politics, You’re as dirty as time ticks. Rare honesty pricks. Farewell to gossips. Social media toxic grips. Valuable hours flipped. Farewell to tattlers. Shallow life, useless gossips.…

Time is a good friend. It can be an enemy. Best spend time wisely. Painful times of grief. Fleeting time of happiness. Cherish each moment. Angry times destroy:…

Sweetness is tempting. Honest sweetness really shared? Or a fake charm bared? Sweetness by your choice, depending on situations. Or a cautious one? Mistaken sweetness: bitter, hypocrites faking.…

Doormat of abuse, ignored by society. Egoism reigns. Doormat of killings, injustice, impunity, Fear silenced many. Filthy corruption. Doormat of fearful silence: art of survival? Doormats of looped…