
behavioural haiku


Cara Lumaca,ti ho visto muovere.Sei molto lenta. In ogni passo,la tua persistenza,striscia saggezza. In ogni mosso,non perde la pazienza,il calmo, forza. Il tuo buon cuore,aiuta ed onesto,l’anima brava.…

Here comes the new rogue. Noisy mouth foreshadows lies. Hollow brain blocks truth. Stones of truth hit you, smashing calumny and lies. Futile hollow blocks. Worthless hate warning,…

Cyber Evil World The Cyber Bullies thrive in their oppressive games: emotional pains. The Cyber Sadists: succeed to make you suffer: emotionally. Cyber Terrorists: destroy, hack, your privacy,…

An evil person’s or a criminal destiny call: Destiny brings you: to answer for your past crimes. Criminal conscience? Destiny whispers: your lies shall end very soon. Unmatched…

Delicate petals, vibrant strength when opening, valuable essence. Compassionate soul, radiate goodness not gossips. Ignore polemics. You don’t see my thorns. I glow for positive growth.…